Providing Support & Services for Women & Girls With Disabilities

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Supporting Women and Girls with Disabilities

Women and girls with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to abuse and violence due to widespread discrimination, neglect, and violations of their rights. They face numerous challenges, including limited access to information, fear of reporting perpetrators, lack of financial empowerment, and inadequate support from service providers. These systemic barriers perpetuate their vulnerability and hinder their access to justice and basic services.

The Centre for Women’s Health and Information, with support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate violence against women and girls, has developed an in-depth document outlining the challenges faced by these women and girls with disabilities, as well as recommendations and action plans to address their needs. The purpose of this document is to raise awareness, drive advocacy, and promote inclusive and survivor-centered support services.

The document which was derived from an Accountability Forum with Community Based Organisations and Civil Society Organisations on Providing Services for Women and Girls Including PWDs delved into the state of sexual and gender-based, and shared promising practices on service provision, as well as recommendations for everyone to mainstream support for women and girls with disabilities in SGBV activities.

This document gives a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by women and girls with disabilities and the recommended actions to address these issues.

To download the document, click here.


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